Guide for Borderlands 3 - Achievement Mop Up

So, you've finished the story. All you should have left to do at this point is find some leftover locations throughout the galaxy, get the Eridian Writings that we had to miss out on as we were playing through the story and the side missions, the Circles of Slaughter, the Eridian Proving Grounds, and reach level 50. None of this is particularly hard. The Circles of Slaughter and Proving Grounds count as side missions, and also have parts of them that count as locations, so completing these is required. We're going to start by getting the locations and Eridian Writing and then do the Circles of Slaughter and Proving Grounds all in one fell swoop. These are all achievements that have been reported as being glitchy for unlocking, but it's general consensus that using a single character in a single playthrough helps them unlock.

Below, you'll find maps for all of the areas with all of the locations and Eridian Writing marked on. There's a good chance you'll only need to go for a couple of locations, but you will need to get them for the achievement. Locations can be a little awkward to unlock. If you're having any particular trouble getting a location or you're not sure what you're missing for the area, run around and defog the map until you get what you need. The only other thing to mention is Jason's Waterfall in Floodmoor Basin. If you followed the guide you should have it but it's a tiny little area you need to go inside to unlock, and it trips a lot of people up, leaving them short one location. Keep an eye out and make sure you have it. Special thanks to the people at for creating the awesome interactive maps for the game, which made my life a lot easier when creating this section of the guide!

Locations and Eridian Writing


covenant pass the droughts ascension bluff devils razor the splinterlands carnivora konrads hold sandblast scar cathedral of the twin gods the great vault


meridian outskirts meridian metroplex lectra city skywell-27 atlas hq neon arterial the forgotten basilica




floodmoor basin the anvil jakobs estate voracious canopy ambermire blackbarrel cellars floating tomb

Once these have all been discovered you'll unlock:


desolations edge tazendeer ruins the pyre of the stars

Once you have all of the locations for the above area's you probably still won't have the location achievements for Pandora or Promethea. This is because they each have a location linked to the circles of Slaughter.

Once you have all of the Eridian Slabs you can also go up to Sanctuary and go into Tannis' Lab. There will be a large Eridian Slab to interact with. You might need to interact with it a few times but eventually, it will unlock:

Circle of Slaughter

There are three Circles of Slaughter. I found the first two to be incredibly easy and I had no trouble doing them solo. The last one I found impossible to do solo and had to set up a session here on TA but in that session, we did the final Circle incredibly quickly and pretty easily, with only 3 deaths between us throughout the rounds. I think you'd be able to do all three Circles in a single 2/3 hour session with a full party of max level players

The Slaughtershaft

slaughter shaft entrance

The Slaughter shaft is the first of the Circles and is based around COV enemies. The entrance is found in Konrad's Hold and once you enter you should unlock;

You just need to grab the quest from the guy in here, and head out into the arena when you're ready. Just remember to stock up on ammo between rounds and make sure you're always using the appropriate elemental type which most of the time will be fire, though you'll occasionally need corrosive. Each slaughter ends with a boss fight which in this case it was an anointed enemy

Cistern of Slaughter

cistern entrance

The Cistern is what I would consider the easiest of the Circles. It's against creatures such as Skags, Rakk and whatever none human enemies you're used to finding by now. The entrance is in Meridian Metroplex (go to the red circle to find the tunnel that has the entrance inside) and entering will get you:

As mentioned the enemies here are all creatures. Nothing that will give you any trouble but in my first time through a Rakk through off map and never returned meaning I had to kill myself and start the round again. It only happened once though so I don't think it's too common a problem. The boss for this area was the Tremendous Rex, which is a large Saurian Tyrant. It didn't give me much trouble, but he did get stuck on a tree

Slaughterstar 3000

3000 entrance

Unlocking this one actually works a little differently from the other Circles. In Desolation's Edge, you'll pick up the quest and then have to go to Sanctuary to unlock the area, and travel here by drop pod, though after this you can just fast travel here. As I said before I found this one really hard, though I've read a few people who say they did this one solo. It's Maliwan Enemies, including the armoured dog enemies, more heavies than is safe and two boss enemies that were easier to take out after some of the party I was in had been killed and were up in the top box.

Once you have all of the Circles complete you'll unlock:

If you're still not level 50 (though I really think you would be by this point) don't worry because we still have the Eridian Proving Grounds to do

Eridian Proving Grounds

There are 6 Eridian Proving grounds and to say we left them right until the end they're really easy. They all follow the same formula which is to pick up the quest, go to Sanctuary and travel to the area, use the drop pod, complete the Discover the Trial of X mission, and then talk to the Guardian to get the mission for the actual Trial, fight through a couple areas of enemies and then drop into an arena with a boss fight. Each one gives you a timer of 30 minutes but I think the longest one of these took me was 12 minutes, and from what I've read you don't even need to be within that 30 minutes anyway. I haven't made maps for these as there's a quest icon but the areas where you will find them are below.

Trial of Cunning - The Splinterlands

Trial of Survival - Devil's Razor

Trial of Discipline - Meridian Outskirts

Trial of Instinct - Floodmoor Basin

Trial of Fervor - Jakob's Estate

Trial of Supremacy - Desolation's Edge

Each of these count as a single location, so once you get to the last one you'll unlock:

Once you complete the last one, you'll also unlock:

It will also be the last side mission and also unlocks:

So that's everything! You should have hit level 50 long before this, but if you haven't, head into Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode (or Mayhem mode, but I haven't done any of that one myself) until you unlock:

And now that everything has been completed, you should have:

It's been a pleasure, Vault Hunter. I'll see you in the DLC!

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