DC Pop-Rockers Sub-Radio have recently released their brand new single ‘What Are We’. The track has a super infectious vibe and catchy lyrics that playfully delve into where a relationship stands.
The new single has been lifted off the bands upcoming EP ‘Headfirst’ which is due for release this April.
Here we speak exclusively to Sub-Radio about their latest release, new EP, and more;
Your new single ‘What Are We’ delves into Millennial relationships, what made you want to explore this avenue?
It feels to us like we’re all confused and getting more confused daily about how to do “romance” in the 21st century. There’s the obvious point that technology adds a new spin to communication and allows you to form really intimate and serious connections to people without “dating”, but I think there’s a lot more going on with young people right now. It’s not just confusion about labels like you might typically think of — our generation is doing a lot to change the way we think about sexuality and gender, and that’s exciting, but it forces everyone to ask a few extra questions in their relationships. Which is why like 90% of the lyrics are questions.
What do you hope listeners take from the track?
Well I think it’s dancey as hell and I hope it gets some booties moving. But I also hope people maybe realize that there are a lot of confused young folks wandering the earth looking for someone to explain romance to them. It’s not just you.
Along with your new single you’re also releasing a new EP this April, what can expect from that?
The EP is called “Headfirst” and it’s a huge step forward for us, sonically and lyrically and in every other way. I don’t wanna give too much away but we are trying to take Sub-Radio in a more…tropical direction?
You’re also touring the US this February and March, what can fans expect from your live shows?
An extremely floral party complete with wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tubemen, and a welcoming atmosphere. Our fans create crowds that you actually want to be in.
Do you have any UK touring plans lined up?
Not right now, but damn…this is getting our juices flowing. Check back soon.
Will you be releasing a full-length album anytime soon?
Hard to say! We’re excited to push this EP out, see how people like it, and go from there. Albums are high-effort but potentially high-reward and we’d like to get back to that grind at some point.
What are you hoping to achieve with your music career?
This is a biggie. I think we want to get Sub-Radio in front of more people our age who are looking for a space to belong and try to provide that space. I think we want to keep writing songs that are fun and true to ourselves. Those are the two baseline goals. Anything else is gravy.
What are your 2018 career goals?
We’ll be playing all over the East Coast and hopefully beyond — we want to make new friends. Seriously, I really need new friends. Come to the shows.
Make sure you follow Sub-Radio on Twitter @subradioband to keep up to date with all their latest music and tour news!
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