Best moveset, counters, and is it any good?

Learning Cetitian’s best moveset and counters in Pokemon GO will let you maximize this new Pocket Monster. While the critter has been added to the list of monsters, you cannot catch it directly. You must catch a Cetoddle and then evolve it into a Cetitan by feeding it 50 Cetoddle Candies.

This article will look at the best moveset for Cetitan in GO PvP and PvE. We will also walk you through the strengths, weaknesses, and viable counters against this critter in GO.

Cetitan best moveset in Pokemon GO

Best moveset for Cetitan in PvE (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Best PvE moveset for Cetitan in GO

The best offensive PvE moveset for Cetitan in GO is Ice Shard as the Fast move, with Avalanche and Body Slam serving as the Charged moves.

Since the moves match the elemental typing of Cetitan, you will enjoy the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) with this moveset.

Regarding Gym defense, Cetitan’s best defensive moveset is Ice Shard as the Fast move, with Body Slam and Heavy Slam serving as the Charged moves.

Best PvP moveset for Cetitan in Pokemon GO

For Cetitan's PvP moveset, players should equip Ice Shard as the Fast move, with Avalanche and Heavy Slam featuring as its Charged attacks.

Is Cetitan any good in Pokemon GO?

Cetitan is a unique twist on whale Pokemon in this game. Even with a decent Attack stat of 208, this Pocket Monster does not perform well due to its fragile defense.

With a defense stat of 123, Cetitan cannot withstand hits from the enemies. Despite having a massive stamina stat of 347, it does not translate to anything beneficial for this Pokemon.

Cetitan’s strengths and weaknesses

Cetitan is a pure Ice-type beast. This makes it vulnerable to the following typings:

  • Fighting
  • Fire
  • Rock
  • Steel

Cetitan is resistant to the following elemental typings:

All moves that Cetitan can learn in Pokemon GO

Cetitan could use a few better moves to perform well in PvP (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Cetitan can learn the following Fast moves in GO:

  • Ice Shard
  • Tackle

Cetitan can learn the following Charged moves in GO:

  • Body Slam
  • Avalanche
  • Heavy Slam

Best counters for Cetitan in Pokemon GO

You can use the following counters to defeat Cetitan.

PvE counters

  • Mega Rayquaza
  • Shadow Metagross
  • Mega Charizard Y
  • Mega Charizard X
  • Mega Diancie
  • Mega Tyranitar
  • Primal Groudon
  • Mega Houndoom

PvP counters

  • Shadow Rampardos
  • Shadow Blaziken
  • Shadow Metagross
  • Reshiram
  • Terrakion
  • Metagross

Aside from these monsters, other counters with similar elemental typings perform well against Cetitan.

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